
Friday 6 December 2019

Xinh Marvel Super Heroes The Wasp set 826 review

Here's a minifig review for the blog. Today I have the wasp minifigire based off the wasp character from the Ant-man and the Wasp movie. It came out in an 8 pack set with mostly Avengers: Infinity War minifigures. So let's get into it. 

So this is the figure itself right here. The torso printing looks great. But unfortunately, the printing is off centered. Same goes for the legs. 

The helmet mould is the Lego Ant-Man helmet mould but with a yellow tint. It looks fine on the figure. 

This is the face print under the helmet. 

There is also an alternate expression which is a smirk. 

There is side arm printing on the figure which is present on both sides. 

This is the back of the figure. A transparent fairy wing piece is included. It is different from the piece that's included on the original Lego Wasp figure. 

Here's a closer look at it. 

This is the back torso and leg print. It's nice that back leg printing is present. The back torso print has the printing of the device that stores the wings. The yellow lines look really nice on the legs. 

So overall this is an ok figure for what it is. At least its better than the original Lego Wasp figure. But the quality control of this isn't that great. The helmet and wing piece is definitely better than the original Lego figure. 

But I don't recommend this to anyone because there is already a better version of the Wasp figure made by WM with an accurate helmet piece and good printing. 
If you want a good Wasp figure, this is not it, I recommend you getting the WM Wasp figure. 

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